Some changes/updates, and new “VISA non-compliant” content coming soon

It always seems like it’s been a while since we posted last, but it’s been a wild (and in many ways terrible) ride since the last post. We’ve had many personal losses (RIP friends and loved ones <3 ) as well as health and financial struggles, and the increased cost of living has made everything difficult for everyone, and we’re no exception.

However, recently there have been some drastic changes in personal circumstances, again, some of which were terrible, but which also resulted in some very positive changes, and mean that there is once again time to focus on the more fun things in life, like kink.

As an organisation/co-op, this isn’t the only adult site we run, and it’s become apparent that the ever more invasive regulatory landscape is causing many small independent sites to shut down, not just because of the increasingly ridiculous costs for Visa/Mastercard fees, or the “financial colonoscopy” required to simply get/maintain a merchant account, and the ever tightening noose of “BRAM” guidelines (BRAM = “Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation” aka the ever-growing “Visa/mastercard banned words list”) – so every year in order to pass compliance and qualify to accept credit card payments, we were finding more and more clips were having to be removed, not because their content was illegal, but “because VISA said so”, which to our minds, is bullshit.

Ironically this has created a bit of a “gap in the market” for us – in that by not having credit card processing and only using Bitcoin for payments, we’re not limited in the same way as literally every other site that uses credit cards for payment.

In practice that means sites which used to sell content based around e.g. Hypno, (consensual) Smothering/choking/breathplay, Intox, piss/watersports and even hardsports, are no longer able to do so.

As far as we understand it, just because Visa/Mastercard decide they don’t like a subject anymore, doesn’t mean the fans of those subjects are no longer into it, plus there’s all these content producers who have spent time and effort making content for those subjects, who now have content they can’t sell anywhere (since all credit-card payments are basically goverened by the same arbitrary rules, set by Visa and Mastercard). Our friend Mistress Niki Flux went on an extended rant about this whole subject before she disappeared into the wilderness to make repetitive beats and make her beloved two-wheeled death machines faster.

So on the one hand, whilst this is a shitty situation overall, it presents us with a unique opportunity, in that since we don’t use credit card processing, we’re not bound by the same rules as those who do.

Obviously the content we post has to be (always was, is, and will be) legal. Consent among adults, Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK) etc are key concepts for us and anything you see on this site is also fully licensed i.e. we’re not into ripping off people’s content. We have more legitimate content than hours in the day to post it so there’s no need to pull shady moves, but over the coming weeks we’re going to try spreading our net a little wider and include some of this now “Consensually non-compliant” (CNC – not to be confused with “consensual non-consent”) content from a couple of different producers.

All content we post is (and will continue to be) licensed directly with the artists/producers themselves, and proceeds will be shared with them accordingly. Tbh at this stage we’re exactly sure how we’ll keep track of that but for now we’re more focussed on seeing whether the principle works and whether there’s actually interest to make it worthwhile. If it works we can write a little bit of code that keeps track of who’s owed what – that bit isn’t really that tricky, just tedious, ad since code costs money, we’ll only do that bit if the principle seems to work and the whole thing is worth it.

So if you’re a fan of *legal* hypno, pissing/watersports, smothering, stepmom, etc type clips, all of which would not be allowed on sites with credit-card processing, then maybe we’ll have something for you.

There’s a link at the bottom of the page explaining how to get Bitcoin, and if you can operate paypal then you can operate coinbase. It’s really not that hard, and as the regulatory landscape continues to try to squeeze niche kink sites out of existence, crypto is really the only option.

Our checkout system is based on free and open-source software and is by now reasonably battle-tested on multiple sites. You can send directly from your coinbase account or from self-custody wallets like Electrum, Exodus etc.

Over coming weeks we’ll (hopefully) be adding the first “non-compliant clips” and we’ll tag them with “non-compliant clips” and “NCC” or similar to make them easy to find.

If you are a producer of niche kink content (particularly Femdom/BDSM) and have been affected by this BRAM/compliance bullshit (it’s hard to think of anyone who hasn’t), please feel free to get in touch and we may be able to host your content and regain some of that lost revenue for you.

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